blue glowing outline icon of a crosshair


blue 1 out of 8
blue glowing outline icon of a shield


blue 4 out of 8
blue glowing outline icon of a speedometer


blue 1 out of 8
blue glowing outline icon of a lightning bolt


blue 4 out of 8
blue glowing outline icon of a cross in a circle


blue 5 out of 8


STARK3 character card
Berlin Behemoths Team Card
Defender class card
Lasers game card, with three glowing lasers
Health game card with a heart and crosses
Legendary Card
Unleashes the legendary creature within to attack the enemy's unit or battle with their Legendary.
STARK3 character card
Berlin Behemoths Team Card
Triggers a holo-copy of the mech's head. Now their circuits unleash Stunning Electricity!
Berlin Behemoths Team Card
Defender Class
Their mighty blows quake the earth. Disorienting waves of energy accompany each impact.
Defender class card
Lasers Card
Activates auto-targeting minion disruptors.
Lasers game card, with three glowing lasers
Health Card
Heals at a rapid rate- even in enemy territory.
Health game card with a heart and crosses

how to assemble

The expanded STARK3 mech on a darker background
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